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From March 2015

Vlog 2: Now available in strange language of English

Now it is official. One of my responsibilities for the EVS project will be to record this whole experience. So it is time to start practicing English in front of the camera.


As for other things, apparently someone messed up my malaria prescription. I was prescribed pills that are not meant to be consumed more than 28 consecutive days. My stay will last for three months. Sadly it was discovered only after the pills were already paid for, but there is hope. I got myself already new prescription and pharmacy asked to come back tomorrow, they might be able to switch them around.

And the visa. Plane tickets are not bought before I have receive my visa, but Cameroon embassy in Berlin, is quite unreachable. I’ve tried many times in the past, twice today, and Heleri, our local coordinator, tried today 18 times, before she got hold of someone…. who gave her a short answer of “call back tomorrow”.

Sideproject part II: Karlsson-on-the-Roof

Second work in the series was birds eye of view to the street of Karlsson-on-the-Roof. I don’t remember reading books nor seeing it on the tv and the brightest memory of Karlsson probably comes to me from a play in the theater. The only piece that is still recoverable from the dream-like state of this story is piece consisting of roofs and balcony-like structure where Karlsson lived and this was all I had to work with. Trying to ignore all the later popular-media portraits of the places, I came up with a bit of distorted-rubbery-like street, as in dreams streets often crawl like snakes trough city. As I have such hesistant memory of this story, the owner for the house on the roof isnt certain person. It might belong to Karlsson, it might be just another added building on the roof.

This time I used quite a bit finer pen, but I think it is still not fine enough. Problems start to arise when trying to find even finer, as any dedicated shops usually end with 0.05. Coloring is done with Manga Studio. Altought I am quite a bit more happier with this one than Pippi’s house, there are still things that would like some retouch. For example yellow house could use smoother color, background roofs need better solution(details!) and the street is quite awful.





karlsson tänav väike

Sideproject part I: Pippi Longstocking house

Decided to switch languages.

Memories from childhood

I started this project a while ago. It was supposed to be the first series of total 10-12 different works. By now I don’t think the project will be finished, at least in the way it was originally intended.

Idea was to take a memories from childhood and reproduce them, as they have changed over the years. First and the most memorable for me is obviously the house of Pippi Longstocking – Villa Villekulla. I only had some really vivid memories of the house being yellow and having a balcony, although while drawing, I remembered the color might have been coming from the book cover.

As far for techince, base is done on paper with medium-fine pen and coloring is digital. Sadly the pen turned out to be too thick for my taste in the final product, but there wasn’t much I wanted or could do to correct it. Although I am quite happy with the house itself, the background, ground and garden are really screaming for a retouch in color department.

pipi1 pipivalmis

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Praeguseks olen saanud kuus süsti, kaheksa haiguse vastu. Seoses sellega on minu õlalihased päris valusad.









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