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the 100 franc internet

I arrived in Brussels in one piece. We flew quite a small plane, and from there on, I can call myself a minority. I think I would leave quite a big hole in the story, if I wouldn’t talk about it. Starting from the waiting area in Brussels airport, first time I felt I cant blend in without making any effort. I could count on my fingers all the light skinned people in the airplane. And it wasn’t the smallest one either. Dont get me wrong, I am quite used to people of all kinds, but being a so different myself, being minority, that was all new. And there was nothing I could do. In Turkey, one could still play out Turkish person and not be taken as foreigner. In here, doesn’t seem like it. Although, I am sure it will change considerably, probably because it is such a big difference for me, even if it might not be for the locals.(later note: there has been already couple times where kids or people shout “white man coming”. I have no opinion currently on this)

Other than that… it is hot and humid. I can already see all these electronical problems I am going to have with the equipment I bought with me. Airport itself, seemed to me, coming from Brussels Airport, like abandoned building. But not in a all bad sense. I enjoyed how all the xray machines were set aside and forgotten, and security checked bags by their size. How once it was a brand new architectural marvel, now it has broken windows with cross drawn on them. But it works. It works for them and it should. How the fridges in local food joint, across the airport are rusted with battle scars, but the cook has beats by dr dre headphones on.

At first, I wasn’t sure how much I can take pictures, and as I felt that I have to spend the next ten hours in the airport, I wouldn’t want to get any excess unwanted attention, that I already had too much, I decided to keep everything that was capable to of recording in the bag.

After first impression, and again and again experiencing being the only white person in the area, I discovered nothing works. No WiFi is letting me connect, no provider is allowing me to connect my European sim card(might it be that Elisa doesn’t have contract with any locals? There hasn’t been anyone previously trying to get Estonian number working in here?). This lead to a rather helpful person trying to sell me his phone, and as I had to spend there anyway the next half of the day, I kept listening. After getting the price down from 80 to 20, and hour long back and forth exchange, I decided to not take it. And I think it was good idea, because afterwards, I bought sim card with occasional internet for now useless Estonian phone. This seems to be he only reasonable way to get online.

Now for the visual. The most reasonable think I took with me? GoPro. Thing is so small, that nobody notices that I have a camera or that I am filming. Attention is anyway quite big and seeing as another volunteer, with DSLR gets “no picture” signed, I feel it was really beneficial. Although, question arises, when will I have time to edit  it and how is it possible to upload videos from here.


Pictures are in reverse time order. Dont ask why or how.

IMG_6902 IMG_6899 IMG_6898 IMG_6888 IMG_6886 IMG_6882 IMG_6881 IMG_6879 IMG_6865 IMG_6853 IMG_6834 IMG_6817 IMG_6813 IMG_6795 IMG_6793 IMG_6773 IMG_6761 IMG_6760 IMG_6757 IMG_6751 IMG_6726

[su_spoiler title=”Tõlge” icon=”plus-circle”]100 frangine internet

Jõudsin Brüsselisse ühes tükis. Lendasime üpris väikse lennukiga ja sealt maalt võin ma ennast kutsuda vähemuseks. Ma arvan, et ma jätaks üpris suure augu loo sisse, kui ma ei räägiks mis juhtus. Alustades ootealast Brüsseli lennujaamas, esimest korda tundsin ma, et ma ei suuda sulanduda massi ilma, et ma midagi tegema ei peaks. Ma võisin oma valgetel sõrmedel üles lugeda lennuki peal olevad heleda nahaga inimesed. Ja see polnud mitte just kõige väiksem lennuk. Ärge saage minust valesti aru, ma olen üpris harjunud igasuguste erinevate inimestega, aga olla nii erinev ise, see oli midagi uut. Ja ma ei saanud midagi selle vastu teha. Türgis vähemasti sai justkui näidata, et sa oled türklane ja kohalik. Siin ei tundu see nii. Samas ma olen kindel, et see muutub arvestatavalt, tõenäoliselt sellepärast, et see on nii suur erinevus mulle, isegi kui see pole nii suur muutus kohalike jaoks. (hilisem tähelepanek: on juba mõned korrad juhtunud, kui lapsed või inimesed hüüavad “valge mees tuleb”. Mul pole mingit arvamust sellest praegu veel.)

Peale selle… siin on kuum ja niiske. Ma juba näen vaimusilmas neid probleeme elektriseadmetega, mis ma kaasa tõin. Lennujaam ise, vähemasti Brüsselist tulles, tundus nagu mahajäetud hoone. Kuid üldse mitte halvas mõttes. Mulle meeldis, kuidas kõik läbivalgustusseadmed olid kõrvale pandud ja unustatud, ning turvakontroll kontrollis pagasit suuruse järgi. Kuidas kunagi oli see tuttuus arhitektuuri ime,siis nüüd on lennujaamal katkised aknad millele rist peale joonistatud. Kuid see töötab. See töötab nende jaoks ja see peakski. Kuidas külimikud kohalikus toidukohas, üle terve lennujaama on roostetanud “lahinguhaavadega”, kuid kokal on beats by dre kõrvaklapid. (Tõlkija: beats by dre- kallid ja populaarsed kõrvaklapid.)

Esmalt, ma polnud kindel kui palju pilte ma saan teha ja kuna ma pidin järgmised kümme tundi lennujaamas veetma, siis ei tahtnud ma üleliigset tähelepanu, mida mul oli niigi liiga palju. Ma otsustasin kõik, mis suutis pildistada, jätta kotti.

Pärast esimest muljet, ja ikka ja jälle olles ainuke valge inimene piirkonnas, ma avastasin, et mitte midagi ei tööta. Mitte ükski WIFI (Tõlkija: traadita internet) ei lasnud mul endaga ühendada, mitte ükski mobiilsidevõrk ei lase mul Euroopa sim-kaardiga võrku ühendada (võibolla pole lihtsalt Elisal mitte ühtegi lepingut kohalikega? Pole siin ju keegi varem Eesti numbrit tööle üritanud saada?). See viis mind kokku üpris abivalmis inimesega, kes tahtis mulle müüa enda telefoni ja kuna ma pidin järgmised pool päeva seal niikuinii passima, siis ma jäin teda kuulama. Pärast seda kui ma sain hinna 80 pealt alla 20 peale ja peale edasi-tagasi vahetust, otsustasin ma siiski telefoni mitte osta. Ja ma arvan, et see oli hea otsus, sest hiljem ostsin ma sim-kaardi koos juhusliku internetiühendusega, nüüd kasutu Eesti telefoni jaoks. See tundub ainuke mõistlik viis, kuidas internetti saada.

Nüüd visuaalse poole juurde. Kõige parem asi, mis ma kaasa võtsin? GoPro. (Tõlkija: GoPro on ruubikukuubikust veidi väiksem veekindel ja põrutuskindel kaamera sobilik filmimiseks ja pildistamiseks.) See on nii väike, et keegi ei pane isegi tähele, et mul on kaamera või, et ma filmin. Tähelepanu on niigi suur ja nähes kuidas teine vabatahtlik DSLR-ga (Tõlkija: rahvakeeli peegelkaamera) saab märguande “mitte pildistada”, tunnen ma ennast väga rahulolevalt. Samas tekib küsimus, kuna on mul aega videosid lõigata ja kuidas on neid võimalik siit üleslaadida.

Pildid on tagurpidi järjekorras. Ärge küsige miks või kuidas.[/su_spoiler]


I am alive. I guess. No working phone, no stable internet yet. Lets see how it goes.

[su_spoiler title=”Tõlge” icon=”plus-circle”]Elus

Ma olen elus. Ma arvan. Pole veel töötavat telefoni, stabiilset internetti. Vaatame kuidas läheb.[/su_spoiler]

Beginning of the journey


I’ve said my goodbyes, I’ve worn my winter clothes, I’ve seen the pale people. Now it is time to shed the skin and fly away south. Departure will be around 6.30 from Riga, meaning I am already on the road sitting in a car driving to Latvia. With one quick 2h stop in brussel, I will be in Cameroon tomorrow at 16.00 local time. Local time, should be only hour-two different from us. Means, it will be 18.00 in Estonia. Then five hour roam around the airport, followed by three hour drive with a taxi to my final destination. Next time I will be able to access internet, might be while. Still, there will be regular updates, at least twice a week, depending on the possibilities. So… Subscribe, share and I will be back before the spine of the summer is broken.


Youtube for regular videos: www.youtube.com/user/toktorify


[su_spoiler title=”Tõlge” icon=”plus-circle”]Teekonna algus
Ma olen öelnud oma hüvastijätud, ma olen kandnud oma talveriideid, ma olen näinud kahvatuid nägusi. Nüüd on aeg kasukas maha jätta ja lõunasse lennata. Väljalend toimub umbes 6.30 Riiast, mis tähendab, et ma olen juba teel Lätti. Pärast ühte kiiret kahetunnist peatust Brüsselis, jõuan ma homme kell 16.00 kohaliku aja järgi Kameruni. Kohalik aeg peaks ainult 2 tundi erinema meist. Tähendab, Eestis aja järgi jõuan kell 18.00. Siis 5-tunnine hulkumine lennujaama ümber, millele järgneb 3-tunnine taksosõit lõpliku asukohta.  Võib minna tükk aega, enne kui ma järgmine kord interneti ligidusse saan. Siiski võite oodata regulaarseid uuendusi siia blogisse, vähemasti kaks korda nädalas, olenevalt võimalustest. Niisiis, märkige see leht endale üles, jagage ja ma olen tagasi enne kui suve selgroog on murtud.

Youtube regulaarsete videote jaoks: www.youtube.com/user/toktorify



Good news everyone! It seems my passport has landed in Estonia. Supposedly it arrived on Friday morning with 10 o’clock flight from Berlin to Tallinn. However, no matter how hard I tried, lady on the other side of the phone, in postal service customer support, couldn’t try  to think any way I could receive it before Monday. But this didnt stop us from purchasing tickets, so currently I am leaving on the second April from Riga, 6 in the morning. With one stop and 12h later, I will land in Cameroon. Return is also quite awesome and short and my previous fear of staying in airports up to 30h was unfounded. Yesterday morning was also the first time I woke up and realized that I am leaving soon.

Also received my second camera, but no microphone yet.

Meanwhile, last weekend was quite interesting. Took part in a long festival-party style event. Surprisingly, I came back more rested than before going there. This photo represents quite well, what was the experience. It was taken around 1, looking down to the dance floor, with neon and UV lights flashing and burning everywhere, hard bass pumping. On the picture though, it seems so calm, and light.


Packing starts in two days.

vlog 3: Will the visa arrive on time?

Stuttering is the boring part, but animation and time lapse were fun to make.

Also, currently I am guessing I haven’t received my visa, because of the Lufthansa strike last week. It started on the day, my visa was supposedly posted and ended on Monday(?). So there is hope, that it will be here in the next couple of days.
