Without getting into details too soon, I have changed the organization from CcreadCameroon to Reach Out, where I do my daily activities. I have also changed my apartment and am living now in a new place with new people.
I have been here already for two weeks and my job has been rather interesting. I will not be starting anything new, as only to try to fulfill the missing caps in the visual field of the organization. To give you an example so far I have made portraits of the office workers, what they can use online, documenting ongoing project where they teach basic education for muslim women, photographing beneficiaries and different already running projects. Also created a flyers for fundraising and doing other basic what-ever-needs-to-be-done things. It is not to say that they didn’t do all these things previously, but by bringing my own equipment and experience on the visual field, I am freeing up peoples time so they can spend more concentrating on running the projects. Thanks to this the quality of the photos and other visual materials has improved a lot and through this, there will be a direct benefit of increased funding for future and current projects.
So, said all that, here is a choice of pictures from our first test run together near Buea where Reach Out has multiple projects running or already finished.
City I am spending most of my time in here, Buea
work in progress
Person who is going to be directly benefiting from the project
Person who has benefited already from running project
The local Mafia
This is the field your tea is coming from
Created an employment for a young mother
If you are intrested in currently running projects for Reach Out Cameroon, they are available here: https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/9013/reach-out-cameroon-reo/
These are the projects that are directly benefiting the people you saw above.
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Aeg muutusteks
Ilma detailidesse laskumata liiga vara, olen ma organisatsiooni vahetanud CcreadCameroon-ist Reach Out-i, kus ma oma igapäeva toimetusi teen. Ma olen ka oma korterit vahetanud ja elan nüüd uues kohas, uute inimestega.
Ma olen siin olnud juba 2 nädalat ja mu töö on olnud üpris huvitav. Ma ei alusta midagi uut, vaid pigem üritan tühje lünki täita organisatsiooni visuaalses pooles. Et anda teile ettekujutust, siis praeguseks hetkeks olen ma teinud fotoportreesi kontori töölistest, mida nad saavad internetis kasutada, dokumenteerinud käimasolevaid projekte, kus nad õpetavad algharidust moslemi naistele, fotografeerinud toetustsaanuid ja erinevaid käimasolevaid projekte. Ka tegin lendlehti heategevusürituseks ja teisi asju misiganes-vajab-tegemist. Mitte, et nad varem ei teinud kõiki neid asju, kuid tuues oma tehnika ja kogemuse visuaalses vallas, siis ma vabastan nende aega, et inimesed saaks keskenduda käimasolevatele projektidele.
Tänu sellele, fotode ja teiste visuaalsete materjalide kvaliteet on tõusnud üpris palju ja otsene kasu on kõrgem toetus tuleviku ja praegustele projektidele. Seda kõike öeldes, siin on valik pilte esimesest proovimisest Buea lähedal, kus Reach Out-il on mitu projekti käimas või juba lõppenud.
Linn kus ma enamus oma ajast veedan, Buea
Töö käib
Inimene, kes otseselt saab kasu sellest projektist
Inimene kes on juba käimasolevast projektist kasu saanud
Kohalik maffia See on põld, kust tuleb teie tee
Tekitatud töökoht noorele emale
Kui te olete huvitatud praegu käimasolevatest Reach Out Cameroon projektidest, siis on need saadaval siin: https://www.globalgiving.org/donate/9013/reach-out-cameroon-reo/
Need on projektid, millest saavad otseselt kasu inimesed, keda nägite ülevalpool. [/su_spoiler]